# Manual download

The latest version of authlib-injector can be downloaded directly from authlib-injector.yushi.moe (opens new window).

# Download API

The authlib-injector project provides a set of APIs for downloading authlib-injector artifacts. Its API entry is https://authlib-injector.yushi.moe/ (opens new window).

# Get version list

GET /artifacts.json

Response format:

"latest_build_number": the build number of the latest version,
"artifacts": [ // each version information
"build_number": the build number of this version,
"version": "The version number of this version"
// ,... (can have more)

# Get a specific version

GET /artifact/{build_number}.json

The {build_number} parameter in the URL represents the version build number.

Response format:

"build_number": the build number of this version,
"version": "version number of this version",
"download_url": "download URL for this version of authlib-injector",
"checksums": { // checksums
"sha256": "SHA-256 checksum"

# Get the latest version

GET /artifact/latest.json

Response format [same as above](#Get a specific version). If you just need to get the latest version, using this API is enough.

# BMCLAPI mirror

Please follow BMCLAPI's protocol (opens new window) when using BMCLAPI.

BMCLAPI provides a mirror (opens new window) for this download API, whose entry is https://bmclapi2.bangbang93.com/mirrors/authlib-injector / (opens new window).