# Enviroment/Configuration File

# What is .env?

.env is a file that saves the most basic configuration information of Blessing Skin (database information, password security, email sending configuration, etc.).

::: tip: If you're using version 4.0.0 or above, you won't need to configure the .env file manually in most cases - during installation, we will ask you to fill in the database connection information in your browser. :::

# How to create a .env file?

The installation package contains a .env.example configuration template file by default, just rename it to .env.

::: tip: If you don't see the .env.example file, turn on the "Show hidden files (files starting with .)" option in your file browser. :::

You can also create a copy as a backup before renaming.

For Windows users, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the .env.example file and click "Rename";
  2. Rename the file to .env. in the input box (NOTE, there is a dot symbol . at the end);
  3. Press Enter to confirm, the . at the end of the file name will disappear automatically;
  4. You're done renaming (yes, Windows is so mysterious).

Of course you can also do Rename-Item .env.example .env in PowerShell or copy .env.example .env in CMD.

Linux or macOS users can simply cp .env.example .env just fine.

# Configuration file field details

In order to support internationalization, we have replaced the .env comments with general English, but for the convenience of Chinese users, the meaning of each field is described below.

# Apply basic options


Please be sure to turn off APP_DEBUG (ie set to false) in the production environment (online environment), otherwise your database information may be leaked. Conversely, if you encounter any errors to report, turn on this option to get detailed stack information about the errors.


In production environment, please set APP_ENV to production. Set this configuration item to development only when developing a Blessing Skin (e.g. you are contributing to a Blessing Skin). (When WEBPACK_ENV is development, all frontend assets are loaded from webpack-dev-server)


Downgrade language settings. If Blessing Skin cannot detect from the browser and client which language the user is using, Blessing Skin will use the value specified by this option as the language, which defaults to en which is English.

  • DB_CONNECTION database connection type, currently supports mysql, sqlite, pgsql, namely MySQL (or MariaDB), SQLite and PostgreSQL respectively.
  • DB_HOST database host, usually localhost
  • DB_PORT database port
  • DB_DATABASE database name, modify it yourself
  • DB_USERNAME database username
  • DB_PASSWORD database user password
  • DB_PREFIX data table prefix, when you need to install multiple skin stations in one database, please set a different data table prefix for each skin station
  • PWD_METHOD user password encryption method, optional values ​​are:
  • BCRYPT (default)
    • ARGON2I (requires Blessing Skin v5 or higher)
    • MD5
  • SALTED2MD5 (the difference between adding salt and not adding salt, the same below)
    • SHA256
    • SHA512
  • SALT salt for token and password encryption
  • APP_KEY is used to encrypt various things in the framework, the format is "base64:".base64_encode(random_bytes(32))

**Please note that after the skin station is installed, please do not change these security settings at will, otherwise the original users will not be able to log in. **

Both SALT and APP_KEY can optionally be randomly generated at install time, or you can choose to regenerate them on the command line:

# regenerate salt
php artisan salt:random

# Regenerate APP_KEY
php artisan key:generate

Email configuration mainly uses user mailboxes to verify and send password reset emails.

# If you use SMTP, please add the following fields (modify the content yourself):

  • MAIL_MAILER is smtp (v4 and previous users, this item should be MAIL_DRIVER)
  • MAIL_HOST is the mail server address
  • MAIL_PORT is the mail server port, default is 465
  • MAIL_USERNAME is the username required for mail server authentication
  • MAIL_PASSWORD password required for mail server authentication
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTION is the encryption method
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS is the sender's email address
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME is the sender's name, the default is empty, it can be filled in as the site name

# If you use SendGrid:

Please fill in the API Key in MAIL_USERNAME and the sender's information in MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS and MAIL_FROM_NAME.

# If you are using Mailgun, add the following fields:

[email protected]

# If you are using sendmail, add the following fields:

SENDMAIL_COMMAND='/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs' #Be careful to wrap it in quotation marks

Set MAIL_DRIVER to null to disable all mail related features.


This configuration is related to caching and defaults to file. One of file, memcached, redis can be used.


This configuration is related to the Session in the web and defaults to file. One of file, memcached, cookie, redis can be used.


By default, Blessing Skin will send notifications synchronously. If your site has a large number of users, the site will slow down or even time out requests when sending notifications to all users. To do this, you need to configure the queue here to improve performance.

This configuration item defaults to sync, which means no queue is used. You can set this configuration item to database as needed, and the queue information will be stored in the database; if you have Redis, it is recommended to set this item to redis.

With the exception of sync, whichever other queues are used, you need to execute a separate process to keep the queues running properly. The method is: execute php artisan queue:work, please keep this command running and do not exit.

If possible, use Redis for your site. As an in-memory database, Redis can improve site performance to a certain extent.

  • The value of REDIS_CLIENT can only be phpredis or predis. If your site is using Redis, install the Redis extension for PHP and change this value to phpredis.
  • REDIS_HOST The host address of the Redis database, usually, please modify it according to your actual situation.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD Redis database password. Defaults to null, if you have a password set for Redis, please modify this accordingly.
  • REDIS_PORT Redis database port, default is 6379.

Usually you do not need to modify this part of the configuration.

  • PLUGINS_DIR This configuration item affects the storage location of the plugin, the plugin market in Blessing Skin will install the plugin here, and read and load the plugin from this directory. Make sure this directory has read and write permissions. Leave null to use the default value. From 5.0.0 onwards, you can define multiple different plugin directories by separating different paths with commas in English.

  • PLUGINS_URL This configuration item affects the frontend resource file URL in the plugin. It is recommended to keep null to use the default value.

  • PLUGINS_REGISTRY Changes the plugin market format http://example.com/market_{lang}.json where {lang} is prefilled with en or zh_CN depending on the current language

# Other

  • UPDATE_SOURCE Modify this configuration to change the update source of Blessing Skin. (ie, tell Blessing Skin where to get the new version information) If you find the default update source slow, you can switch to a third-party source. (See here for available third-party update sources)