# Event monitoring (front end)



This section only applies to Blessing Skin v4 or later

# Introduction

Starting from Blessing Skin v4, the front end of Blessing Skin provides a lightweight event system. It provides simple event monitoring and event triggering functions, which is convenient for plug-ins to implement some operations in a less intrusive way. Of course, you can also use this event system to trigger some events by yourself, which is very helpful for the mutual work and even communication between different plug-ins.

All available methods of the event system are under blessing.event( blessingis a global variable).

# listen event

The most common action is to listen to events from Blessing Skin, but you can also listen to events triggered by yourself, or events from other plugins. Either way, the usage is the same, and it's simple.

The on method on ``blessing.eventlets you listen to events. The onmethod receives two parameters, the first parameter is a string or Symbol, indicating the name of the event; the second parameter is a callback function, which will be called when the event is triggered, and this callback function can Receive a parameter (or no parameter, for example, no parameter is passed when the event is triggered, or there is a parameter but you don’t need it), and then when the event is triggered, some data of the event will be passed as a parameter to the callback parameter.

The following is an example of listening to the mountedevent.

blessing . event . on ( 'mounted' , () => {
  // ... 

When the mountedevent is triggered, the following callback function will be executed.

The same event can be listened to multiple times. When an event is triggered, all callback functions in the same event will be executed.

# trigger event

You can also use this event system to trigger events.

trigger an event, use the emitmethod in blessing.event . The ``emitmethod receives two parameters, the first parameter is a string as the event name; the second parameter is the data you want to pass to the callback function (you can omit this parameter directly if you don’t need to pass data), it is recommended that you pass JavaScript objects , this has two advantages: one is to allow the callback function to modify the data you pass, so that the plug-in can add, delete, and modify the data as needed; the other is to facilitate the future if you need to pass more data, you can directly add properties without changing the data type, thus maintaining backward compatibility.

For example, we intend to trigger an event named eventA, and pass a datavariable in the past. Then you can write:

blessing . event . emit ( 'eventA' , data) // assuming `data` variable is defined

As mentioned above, all callback functions in the same event will be executed.

It is worth noting that if there are multiple callback functions that are listening, be careful whether there will be conflicts in the modification of data between them. If you wish to pass a read-only JavaScript object, you can pass Object.freeze(data)as a parameter, which will make all properties of the object read-only. (Note that Object.freezeonly does one-level processing, and multi-level nested properties can still be modified. At this time, you may need to call Object.freeze recursively)

# all available events

Here is a list of all defined events in the Blessing Skin frontend. When the event is triggered, the parameters passed to the callback function are all JavaScript objects. Therefore, we agree that we use the third-level title to indicate the name of the event, and use the fourth-level title to list the attributes on the parameter. The "type" of each property is expressed using the type syntax in TypeScript/Flow.

# beforeFetch

trigger timing

Before calling the Fetch API. For specific usage, see the front-end network request section.

# method

Type: string

Meaning: The HTTP verb representing the current request, such as GETor POST.

# url

Type: string

Meaning: A non-full, relative URL in the current request.

# data

Type: object | FormData

Meaning: The data to send to the backend.

# fetchError

trigger timing

When an error occurs when calling the Fetch API. If the network fails, or the HTTP status code returned by the backend is not 2xx, this event will be triggered. For specific usage, see the front-end network request section.

Note that the parameter passed to the callback function by this event is always an Errorinstance.

# message

Type: string

Meaning: error message

# response

Type: Response | undefined

Meaning: This property does not exist if an error is thrown by the Fetch API itself due to network failure etc. If the status code of the backend response is not 2xx, this attribute exists and is the object returned by this request. Read about Responsehere (opens new window) .

# mounted

trigger timing

When the content rendered by Vue.js on the page has been mounted on the page. This event will not be fired if there is no content rendered by Vue.js on the page.

This event does not have any parameters.