# Data and Models


# Introduction

Each model in Blessing Skin is associated with a data table in the database, and each model instance is equivalent to a row of data in the data table. All three models of Blessing Skin are Laravel Eloquent ORM models. If you want to get more information about Laravel Eloquent ORM, I recommend reading the Laravel documentation (opens new window) .

Currently there are these models in Blessing Skin: User, Playerand Texture, which are all located under App\Models. We will introduce each of these models in detail, and at the end we will talk about the connections between these models and how to use these connections to simplify the code.

It's worth noting that all Laravel Eloquent ORM models inherit from Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Modeland thus have Eloquent ORM features. Even if no properties are declared on the classes of these models, you can still access data on the model instances. For example, the User model has a ``score fieldon the corresponding data table in the database , but you do not see the attribute of the score class in the ``App\Models\User class. Even so, you can still use it like $user->scoreThis way to get or set the value on the scorefield.

# basic operation

# Get model instance

If you want to find a model instance by primary key, you can call the model's findstatic method. For example, if you want to find a User model instance with uid 1, you can ``:

$user = User ::find( 1 ) ;

nullwill be returned .

If you want to select by condition, you can use the wherestatic method. For example, if you want to find all users with points greater than 50, you can:

$users = User ::find( 'score' , '>' , 50 )->get() ;

the Laravel docs (opens new window) for collections ). If no matching users are found, it will return an empty collection. Call the `isEmpty` method to determine whether it is an empty collection:

$users- >isEmpty() ;

If the comparison operator is "=" during the conditional query, the second parameter can be omitted directly. For example, the following finds users with email address a@bc:

$user = User ::where( 'email' , 'a@bc' )->first() ;

Since the wheremethod always returns a collection, but email addresses are unique in the data table, this collection often has only one element. So in the above example, we called the firstmethod instead of the getmethod, which means getting the first element in the collection.

# update model data

After getting a model instance, we can update the data on the model instance. For example, we want to change a user's email address to a@bc:

$user- >email = 'a@bc' ; 
$user- >save() ;

The last savemethod is to save the changes to the database.

# add model

If you want to add a model, you only need to construct a model instance, then modify the data, and finally save it. However, the following example is only for demonstration, and may not work in practice, because we have not written all the field information. Note that for the auto-incremented primary key, we don't need to fill it in manually.

// create a new user model instance 
$user = new User () ; 
$user- > email = 'a@bc' ; 
$user- >nickname = 'abc' ; 
$user- >save() ;

# Usermodel

Usermodel represents the user, and the user's data is recorded on the model instance. The primary key of the Usermodel in the data table is uid, which is a self-increasing integer field, so you cannot modify a user's uidbecause it is a unique identifier.

The following will introduce the meaning of each data attribute on the User model.

# uid

This represents the unique identifier of each user, and you cannot modify the value of this attribute. At the same time, because it is a unique identifier, one uidcorresponds to one user.

# email

This represents the user's email address. This property can be modified. The user's email address is also unique in the data table, but it cannot replace the uid.

# nickname

This represents the user's nickname. This property can be modified. Generally speaking, this field has no actual users, and it is generally just to display users in a more friendly way on the page. The nicknamefield is allowed to be repeated in the data table.

# score

This represents the user's points, and the type is an integer.

# avatar

This represents the user's avatar, the value is the tidof the material corresponding to the avatar, and the default is 0(that is, no avatar is set).

# password

This field stores the hashed user password.

# ip

This field records the IP address of the user when registering. This IP address is used to prevent multiple registrations with the same IP address. Most plugins do not use this field.

# permission

This field records the permission level of the user, and its type is an integer. Currently four values are possible:

  • - the value is -1, you can also use the enumeration value User::BANNEDto indicate
  • Normal - the value is 1, you can also use the enumeration value User::NORMALto represent
  • Admin - The value is 1, you can also use the enumeration value User::ADMINto represent
  • Super administrator - the value is 2, you can also use the enumeration value User::SUPER_ADMINto represent

# last_sign_at

The time of the last check-in is recorded.

# register_at

Records the time the user registered. Most plugins do not use this field.

# verified

This field records whether the email address has been verified. Most plugins do not use this field.

# verification_token

The value of this field is used for proofreading when validating email addresses. This field has been deprecated since Blessing Skin v4. Most plugins do not use this field.

# remember_token

This field is used to identify whether the "remember me" option is enabled when the user logs in. This field is only available since Blessing Skin v4. Most plugins do not use this field.

Usermodel instance are described below .

# isAdmin

Get the information "whether the user is an administrator".

Parameters: none

Return value: the type is bool, indicating whether the user is an administrator. (Super administrators are also administrators)

# verifyPassword

Check that the password is correct.


  • rawPassword- the raw password used for comparison (that is, the password that has not been hashed)

Return value: the type is bool, indicating whether the password is correct.

# changePassword

Change a user's password. Usually plugins don't use this method.


  • password- the new unhashed password

Return value: The type is bool, indicating whether the password is changed successfully.

# Playermodel

Playermodel represents a role, and each model instance records information about a role. The primary key of the Playermodel in the database is pid, which is a self-increasing integer field, so you cannot modify a user's pidbecause it is a unique identifier.

The following will introduce the meaning of each data attribute on the Player model.

# pid

This represents the unique identifier of each role, and you cannot modify the value of this property. At the same time, because it is a unique identifier, a pidcorresponds to a role.

# uid

uidof the role owner .

# name

This field records the role name.

# tid_skin

tidof the material corresponding to the skin on the character .

# tid_cape

This field records the tid of the material corresponding to the cloak on the character.

# last_modified

This field records the time when the role last modified information. The value of this field is more used by skin mods, and this field is rarely used by plugins.

The following introduces some methods on the Playermodel instance.

# Texturemodel

Texturemodel represents the material, and the data of each material is recorded on the model instance. The primary key of the Texturemodel in the data table is tid, which is a self-increasing integer field, so you cannot modify the tidof a material because it is a unique identifier.

The following will introduce the meaning of each data attribute on the Texture model.

# tid

This represents the unique identifier of each material, and you cannot modify the value of this property. At the same time, because it is a unique identifier, a tidcorresponds to a material.

# name

This field records the name of the material.

# type

This field records the type of material. It can only be steveor alexor cape

# hash

This field records the hash value of the material file, which is unique (unless there is a collision in the hash algorithm).

# size

This field records the size of the material file, and the unit is KB.

# uploader

uidof the material uploader . It allows pointing to non-existing users, but the field cannot be empty in the database.

# public

This field indicates whether the material is a public material. Note that the records of this field in the database may be stored in the form of numbers (that is, 0or 1), but when this attribute is actually retrieved in the code, it will be automatically converted into a booltype.

# upload_at

This field records the upload time of the material.

The following introduces some methods on the Texturemodel instance.

# setPrivacy

Modifies the visibility of the material.


  • public- type bool, indicating whether this material can be made public.

Return value: the type is bool, indicating whether the change is successful.

$ texture->setPrivacy( true ) ;   // Texture has been set to public 
$texture ->setPrivacy( false ) ;  // material has been set as private

# associate

The relationship between users and roles is "one-to-many", that is, a user can have multiple roles. If we have already got a model instance of a user, and now we want to get all the role instances of the user, we can write like this:

$players = $user- >players ;

Conversely, we can look up its owner by a role, like this:

$owner = $player- >user ;

That's it, you don't have to manually look it up by uidor pid:

// There's no need to do something like this! 
$uid = $user- >uid ; 
$players = P layer::where( 'uid' , $uid )->get() ;

# Notice

Reading properties as shown above will get all the role instances of the user, if you want to filter by conditions or do other operations, then you should call their methods instead of properties. For example, if you want to find roles whose model is slimamong all roles of a user, you should write:

$players = $user- >players()->where( 'preference' , 'slim' ) ;

more information on model associations, visit the Laravel documentation (opens new window) .