# helper function
Some globally available "helper" PHP functions are included in Blessing Skin and used by Blessing Skin itself; you are free to use them in your plugins if you find it convenient.
# json
Return a JSON response. Note that you need to manually return the return
value of this function in the controller, that is, you need to
return json(); in the controller method
json(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]); // {"a":1,"b":2}
json('Hello.', 0, ['a' => 1]); // {"code":0,"message":"Hello.","data":{"a":1}}
json('Success', 0); // {"code":0,"message":"Success"}
json('Failed'); // {"code":1,"message":"Failed"}
# option
Returns or sets configuration items stored in the database.
$value = option( 'my_custom_option' ) ; // Get the value of the option `my_custom_option`
$value = option( 'my_custom_option' , 'default' ) ; // If the option does not exist, return `'default'` as the default value
option([ 'my_custom_option' => 'Yeah' ]) ; // Set the value of the option `my_custom_option` to `'Yeah'`
# option_localized
function is the same as the option
function, but the returned value
can be different according to the current locale. When using this
function to set different languages to correspond to different values,
you need to switch the page to the target language first.
// Assume that the `greeting` option is "你好" in the Chinese environment and "hello" in the English environment
// en
option_localized( 'greeting' ) ; // hello
// zh_CN
option_localized( 'greeting' ) ; // Hello
# plugin
Returns an instance of the specified plugin.
$plugin = plugin( 'example-plugin' ) ;
# plugin_assets
Returns the URL of the plugin resource file.
$url = plugin_assets( 'example-plugin' , 'assets/js/example1.js' ) ;
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