# life cycle hook

Blessing Skin provides three lifecycle hooks for the plugin, which you can use to prepare or clean up the plugin. All code that utilizes hooks must be defined in the callbacks.phpfile in the root directory of the plugin in the form of an array .

# callbacks.php

callbacks.phpfile should return an array of key-value pairs. The key is the class of the lifecycle event and the value is a callback function. The parameters of the callback function can have parameters with type annotations. When Blessing Skin executes these hooks, it will use Laravel's service container to resolve dependencies and inject them into the parameters. callbacks.phplooks something like this (leading PHP tags omitted):

return [
    A pp\ E vents\ P luginWasEnabled:: class => function ( A pp\ Services \ P luginManager $manager ) {
        // Here $manager is an instance of App\Services\PluginManager 
] ;

# plugin is enabled

When the plugin is enabled, the App\Events\PluginWasEnabledevent will be fired. With this hook, you can perform some initialization tasks, such as checking the environment and creating a data table in the database (but remember to check whether the data table already exists before creating it, and an error will be reported if the table is created repeatedly), etc.

# plugin is turned off

When the plugin is disabled, the App\Events\PluginWasDisabledevent will be fired.

# Plugins are about to be removed

After the administrator deletes the plugin on the "Plugin Management" page, and the plugin has not been deleted at this time, the App\Events\PluginWasDeletedevent will be triggered first. The name of the event here is misleading. From the name of the event, it means "the plug-in has been deleted", but in fact it just sends a "delete" signal to the plug-in. At this time, the plug-in has not been deleted. Wait until the event is triggered. , the plugin is actually removed.

With this hook, you can do some cleanup. However, from a practical point of view, what you create when the plugin is enabled doesn't mean you have to clean up when the plugin is removed. For example, suppose we now have a plug-in that verifies user information. This plug-in creates a data table in the database when it is enabled, and then records the user verification information. If the data table is deleted when the plug-in is deleted, the authenticated user will have to re-authenticate the next time the plug-in is used.